

i love this family so much. i had the honor of caring for sweet kaia who is now a walking, talking, opinionated and loving sister, in the NICU a few years ago! she was such a teeny tiny little miracle and i bonded with her mommy and daddy during their long days and nights by her bedside while they waited for her to grow so she could join them at home. now, kaia is the proud big sister to eva who was born a few days after thanksgiving! i had the pleasure of being the nurse at eva's delivery and was able to laugh and cry with them during the moments leading up to and during her birth. it was absolutely amazing and is probably one of the brightest moments of my career as a NICU nurse. i visited them at their new home a few days after they brought eva home to capture some moments with my camera. i hope you enjoy these as much as i do....xo

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