

body and spirit are twins
 god only knows which is which
  .algernon charles swinburne.

it was so nice to spend a december afternoon with aiden and his identical twin sisters carys and islah at a playground in del mar. i work with their mommy jolene in the NICU and we also both attended johns hopkins school of nursing. jolene is so patient, kind, sweet, playful and encouraging to them and they absolutely adore her, as you can tell from the pictures!



may god be with you and bless you
may you see your children's children
may you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings
may you know nothing but happiness 
from this day forward
.scottish blessing.


sweet abigail

twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. so throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. explore. dream. discover. 

so nice to spend time with little abigail and her momma and pappa! i had a great time laughing with them as they spent a lot of the session wiping her adorable drool : ) i work with abigail's mamma in the NICU and i wish her a smooth transition back to work in the next week. everyone is looking forward to your return emily!!! i can't imagine how hard it will be to leave this little face~ 

my good friend adam bohannon also joined me on this shoot! check out his work!