
{ d. family }

these are my friends amanda and ethan from high school. aren't they picture perfect?!?!

amanda decided on this awesome maryland location...annie's playground. annie was a beautiful little girl who was hit by a drunk driver in baltimore after leaving the circus with her parents in 2003. this playground was built in her memory. it is more than just a playground- it's a child's dream land!!! you can make a donation and read more about the playground here.  i recommend to all my maryland friends with kiddos to spend some time at this amazing place!

 the kids obviously had a blast as we ran around laughing with them and chasing after them! this family and their little cousins couldn't have been more photogenic! we had a great crowd at the photo shoot and amanda's parents even helped to rein the kids in! i loved editing these pictures and hope they enjoy them as much as i do : )

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